Michael Siller among the TOP 15 Coaches in Vienna

WHAAAAAAT!!! I am happy and honored that Influence Digest+ magazine has named me one of the top 15 coaches in Vienna, and I am grateful that my work and commitment have received this recognition. As a coach, I have always focused on helping…

Culture eats...McDonald's???

The most recent McDonald’s billboard in Austria and Germany gained unexpected traction. Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Interior Minister felt stepped on his toes by this culturally „insensitive” commercial.
Der blinde Fleck

Leaders and their blind spots

Maybe you know this feeling, you are travelling 180 km/h on the German autobahn and you are about to overtake a minivan. You look in the rear and side-view mirror, and just as you are about to shift your car out of the travelling into the passing…

Lost in translation - Lukas Perman facing intercultural challenges in Japan

MS: Lukas, you are one of the first European performers who had the pleasure to perform in a Japanese musical theatre production. What were your greatest challenges? Lukas Perman: As you already mentioned I had the pleasure to be part of…

"Sorry Sir, I can only serve you one cup of water."

I am on my way home from an exciting conference in Tromso Norway. “How to attract, train and keep global talent” was the topic of the conference organized by Itim International and the local University. #theculturefactor The last days…